Optomap Ultra-Wide Imaging
We are excited to be able to offer the very latest technology in imaging that allows us to continue our superior care and take it to the next level with Optomap Ultra-Widefield imaging.
We are now able to do eye health exams without any annoying dilating or eye pressure drops while maintaining and enhancing the thoroughness of our exams.
We recommend Optomap to patients of all ages because an exam of the retina is an integral part of a comprehensive eye exam, regardless of how well you see. A majority of eye problems arise without a patient’s knowledge and an Optomap allows your doctor to get an ultra-widefield view of the retina in a fast and comfortable way. The Optomap provides a 200-degree image of the retina in a single capture, giving your doctor a more detailed view than can be achieved by other means.
- Healthy Eye
- Retinal Tear